Cloudie is a simple user interface to browse Open Stack Storage (Swift) and to manipulate it.
(C) 2012-2013 E.Hooijmeijer and 42 B.V., Apache 2 licensed.
Uses the CC-BY licensed Silk Iconset by Mark James
Based on the JOSS library, it has the the following features:
- creation and deletion of containers.
- creation and deletion of stored objects.
- down and uploading of files.
- viewing meta-data.
- previewing text and images.
- opening a stored object in a public container in your browser.
- filename based search.
- storage of connection profiles.
Usage: java -jar cloudie-0.7.1-full.jar [options]
-help, -?, --?
Brief help.
connects to the cloud. Takes 4 arguments: [AuthURL] [Tenant] [Username] [Password]
connects to the cloud using an previously stored profile.
A prebuilt binary can be downloaded here.
V0.7.1 16-Mrt-2013
- Rename to org.javaswift
V0.7.0 11-Feb-2013
- First Public Release
This component was graciously donated by 42 BV